Friday, January 27, 2012

101st Day of School

The students and I spent the day preparing for our next celebration. The entire school is participating in Super Bowl related activities. Each classroom is required to graph students' winner predictions of the Super Bowl and complete a football-themed writing prompt. My paraprofessional, a cardboard engineering genius, concocted a 3-D cardboard stadium surrounding the classroom graph. It has been quite the conversation topic around school among the students and teachers alike! Once the glue sets, the graph will be proudly displayed outside of our classroom. The writing prompt centered around teamwork. The students brainstormed ideas and used words such as proud, goals, happy and sports. The ideas were transposed to football-shaped paper where the students developed their own meaning of teamwork.

What does this have to do with technology? Nothing at all. Besides providing a printed colored example of football helmets, the computers and SMARTBoard took a backseat to old-fashioned discussions and paper and pencil tasks. I am ok with that.


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